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Three Ways to Purchase a Hodgson Community League Membership


1. Contact the Hodgson CL team


2. Online at  a service charge will be applied if paying by credit card.


3. TRAC office at the Terwillegar Rec Centre


$45 for families and $35 for couples/seniors/individuals




Being a community league member affords many benefits such as ski night, rink access, and reduced City Rec Center passes.


Free community swim for Hodgson Community at Terwillegar Rec Center on Saturdays from 5 pm-7 pm.  A valid Community League membership must be presented.


Present your valid Edmonton community league membership card at any one of the City of Edmonton's sports and fitness facilities and choose from the following Community League Wellness Products:
  • Annual Membership - 20% discount on Adult, Family, Child, and Youth/Senior Annual Memberships

  • Multi Admission Pass - 15% discount on our already discounted multi-admission pass (5+ visits)

  • Continuous Monthly Membership - 20% discount off an ongoing monthly membership using our convenient Pre-Authorized Debit Program.


Registration for community youth soccer also requires community league membership.


Visit our Facebook page at Hodgson Community League.
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Don't hesitate to reach out for sharing your thoughts or membership inquiries!
The Hodgson Community League
Box 88001, Rabbit Hill P.O.
Edmonton, AB T6R 0M5


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