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Hodgson Wetland Interpretive Signage


Do you enjoy strolling around the constructed wetland and the natural marsh in the Hodgson Neighbourhood on a warm summer evening, watching the birds and enjoying the greenery? If so, you should keep an eye out for some new interpretive signs. The signs will be located at various places around the two wetlands. Each sign is part of an ongoing effort describe some of the wetlands’ natural history, highlight the value of wetlands, and advertise the Stewardship Group’s activities. These signs will have the information they display changed periodically to provide new and interesting facts about the wetlands. They will feature the wildlife that frequents the wetlands, the values and vital functions of wetlands as well as the amazing work the community has done to make your visit at Hodgson a splendid one.


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Hodgson Wetlands have been protected areas since 2002. The Friends of Hodgson Wetlands are committed to protecting and preserving the integrity of urban wetland and natural corridor biological communities within Edmonton’s Table Lands, more specifically along Whitemud Ridge. We share this commitment with the surrounding communities and provide value to our mission through conservation initiatives that focus on biodiversity, stewardship, and awareness. Such initiatives include both natural and constructed areas of biological importance and as such provide an approach that encompasses the future of conservation in urban areas throughout the world.



This year we will continue our policies of stewardship and protection and will renew our Partners-in-Parks agreement with the City of Edmonton. Along with Hodgson Community League and Whitemud Ridge Homeowner’s Association, we will work towards the ongoing maintenance and monitoring of our wetlands and ravine areas. We will continue to monitor and inventory the wildlife in the area, remove invasive plants, and work on the naturalization and enhancement of the area.


We are hoping to acquire grants and funds to further our goals for the wetlands. We will continue to work with the City of Edmonton to acquire signage, both instructional and interpretive, for the wetlands areas.


For further information, please contact Karena Toy, local resident, at 780-438-7045; or Juliana Davis, local resident, at 780-439-3791; email



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Don't hesitate to reach out for sharing your thoughts or membership inquiries!
The Hodgson Community League
Box 88001, Rabbit Hill P.O.
Edmonton, AB T6R 0M5


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