Past Events
New Program for Recent Immigrants
A program for immigrants is offered through the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN). Constructing Futures is a 6-month training program (no charge, funded by the Government of Alberta) that assists Internationally Educated Professionals in gaining valuable skills towards meaningful careers in the field of project management across a variety of industries. Since 2017, the program has supported nearly 150 professionals in securing jobs in their professional fields here in Canada.
Soccer Registration
TRSA outdoor soccer registration started Feb 1 and ends Feb 28, 2022. Please check www.trsa.ca for more information and registration.
City Sand
Last year, when the City was looking for efficiencies to reduce costs, the Community Sandboxes program was identified as a potential reduction. This decision was approved as part of the budget process in 2015 (see page 27), and will save approximately $300,000 in taxpayer dollars annually.
Instead of offering free sand for the public at community centres across the city, sand will now be provided at the five Roadway Maintenance yards. By putting them in front of the yards, the resources to fill them will be minimal.
Sand is available in front of the entrances of the following yards:
Central: 10517 - 95 Street
Northeast: 13003 - 56 Street
Southeast: 5409 - 59 Avenue
Southwest: 14710 Ellerslie Road (on the roadway beside the eco station)
Northwest: 14320 - 114 Avenue
By having sand in all the districts across the City, we are still making sure that it is available to those who need it, no matter where they live. Citizens can also visit a retailer to purchase an inexpensive bag of sand.
Additionally, we are offering sandboxes (with City of Edmonton identification removed) to community leagues should they wish to manage the boxes themselves. If a community league is interested in maintaining their own sandbox, a request can be put forth through this form: https://goo.gl/forms/kE9O15o2KSTLeHox1.
For questions, please email parksandroads@edmonton.ca.