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Edmonton’s Front Yards are in Bloom!


Spring is here, and we want to see your bloomin’ great yards!  The Front Yards in 

Bloom program is all about recognizing neighbours who make an effort to beautify their 

front yards.  


Front Yards in Bloom started in 1999, with 150 nominations in its first year. It is now the 

largest program of its kind in Canada. Last year, we received over 4,221 nominations 

city-wide.  This year, our goal is to receive 5,000 nominations. Nominations can be 

submitted from May 20 – June 30, 2016.


Front Yards can be nominated in one of four categories: 


General: Appealing front yards that makes people smile as they pass by!  These 

yards could include a variety of colours, textures, plants, and garden features. 

Must have at least 25% flowering plants, but can still include pots and containers. 


Natural:  Yards with native plants that attract local wildlife such as birds, bees, 

butterflies and other insects. A natural yard is one with 60% native plants 

(compared to all plants) or more.


Edible: Yards incorporating edible fruits, flowers, and leaves into the landscape 

design. An edible yard is one with 60% edible plants (compared to all plants) or 



Public Spaces: Yards with landscaping features and aesthetic appeal in  front of a 

public building (including schools, businesses/offices, multi-unit residences, 

churches, and community league halls)


After the nomination deadline, volunteers deliver a sign and brochure to each 

nominated yard, and also choose some top yards for recognition. Edmonton Native Plant 

Group and Sustainable Food Edmonton judge the top Natural and Edible yards, 

respectively. Results will be announced during the Edmonton in Bloom Awards on 

Thursday, August 25, 2016 from 7-9pm at the Citadel Theater.  Everyone is invited to 

attend the celebration!


It’s Easy to Nominate!

  • Anyone can submit a nomination

  • Nominations must be for a front yard or a yard visible by everyone. 

  • You can submit nominations via:

  • Online submission form: 

  • Phone 311 or email


Front Yards in Bloom is a partnership between the Edmonton Horticultural Society, the 

City of Edmonton, and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers.

Visit our Facebook page at Hodgson Community League.
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Don't hesitate to reach out for sharing your thoughts or membership inquiries!
The Hodgson Community League
Box 88001, Rabbit Hill P.O.
Edmonton, AB T6R 0M5


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